Happy Birthday, Nattspil’s New Patio! Nattspil finally has an outdoor patio with lots of socially distanced tables for you. Open everyday at 5pm you can now enjoy Summer in Wisconsin while dining on our 3-cup Chicken/Tofu, Dim Sum and Pizzas with our fine specialty cocktails. Artist Stefan Matioc has added his generous talents to our table tops making for a truly unique outdoor dining experience.
Category: What’s New This Week?
Nattspil Reopens Daily for Sit Down Service 5pm-11pm
Dane County and the City of Madison Health Department have now approved 50% capacity dining at restaurants. Nattspil has been planning for weeks on how to safely open. We’ve got the tables and bar stools spread out. We’re ready for groups of up to six to sit 6 at least 6 feet apart. Staff has been training on making sure that all surfaces between guests are wiped down and sanitized. Staff will all be wearing masks and gloves. We’ll be asking everyone who visits to please wear a mask if you’re moving about. Starting today, Monday 6/15 we’ll be open every day from 5pm-11pm.
We’ve also come up with a way to get our menu as touchless as possible. We now have our entire menu online. With your cell phone, you just turn on your camera, point it at our QR code, and you can see our whole menu and never touch a paper menu at all. It’s really easy. Give it a try now!
For those that would prefer a paper menu, we’ve printed up a bunch of single use menus that we’ll just throw away between customers to keep you safe.

How’s Nattspil doing?

How is Nattspil doing?
We’re finally open (for take out only) after 10 weeks idle. We’ve been open for 9 days now (opened Fri 5/29).
How’s the staff?
To me, they seem super upbeat and happy to be working, spending time with their co-worker family, and interacting with our customer family. They all sound hopeful. I just love the picture the Sunday night crew posted last night on social media (above). Black Lives Matter and the current protests are very much in our hearts and on our minds.
What’s different?
So many things. We’ve done take out before if someone stopped by in person and wanted food to go. Now, we have a phone 608-285-9659, a new website, and the ability to order online We’ve been ‘off the grid’ for 16+ years. It’s kind of strange joining the 21st century. It’s also different closing at 11pm instead of bar time and no djs for now either. And yes, masks, gloves, no contact working all the time can be pretty intense.
Is all this change a good idea for Nattspil?
I sure hope so. When we opened 16 years ago, we placed a very high value on removing anything that would detract from our in house customer attention and conversation. Televisions, neon signs, telephones, point of sale systems, accepting credit cards were all things we removed from our environment. A part of our identity and Nattspil culture and values are really wrapped up in these decisions. Now, to keep our staff and customers safe, taking online orders by phone and credit cards seems the most sensible option (you can still pay with cash, too).
Are you going to open the restaurant to regular service soon?
Unsure. Definitely not until it is safe. Frankly, we’re a tiny space that only seats 50 customers at capacity. With 6 feet of safe space for everyone and a 25% capacity rule, even with the best safety measures, making our space safe isn’t a possiblity. As guidelines change to 50% capacity we’ll review.
What about outdoor seating?
We’re working on ways that we might be able to offer more outdoor seating, and if our plans work out, we might be able to open for service a little sooner.
Is Nattspil and staff going to make it through this?
I really think so. We were able to get some help from PPP (Payment Protection Program) to help cover our payroll and rent expenses for May and June. We’ve been able to offer work now to about 1/2 of our staff.
Servers are the ones most affected, as without any tables full of customers there just isn’t any work for them. Being able to offer take out has allowed us to reopen and offer some work to them but it’s only a fraction of what we do and so we are very anxious to offer regular dining, late night dining, bar service and our wonderful djs again soon. For now, every day is frankly less than break even, so every take out order made by you really means a lot. Thank you for your support.
We also have great Nattspil friends who have been donating to our Nattspil Family Relief Fund for helping our staff with groceries and rent. Thank you so much. Every little bit helps.
What can I do to help?
Order take out, (608-285-9659) as often as you can. You can order your food to pick up anytime we are open up to one day in advance. When you stop by, please consider purchasing a digital gift card (we’ll have physical cards in just a few days too).
Support all the other small independant restaurants in our neighborhood. Buy their take out, too. We are a service industry restaurant, and a very inportant part of our customer base works in the restaurants near us. Buy from them and then they have money to come buy from us, too.
Finally, stay safe. Practice social distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands often. Together, we can put this pandemic behind us. Love everyone, be kind. We’re all fighting this in different ways. Together, we all win.
– Prentice
Black Lives Matter

Hey gang,This last week has been a pretty difficult and trying time, huh? The last few months even, however, the senseless murder of yet another person of color has us all enraged.
For us at Nattspil we would like everyone to know that we support our friends and demonstrators who are bravely standing up to systemic racism and violence against black and brown bodies. This must end.
Iām sorry. We usually like to post fun pictures of food and our friends. That seems trivial at these moments. We would just like to say to our clients and customers, please support Black Lives Matter. Please help stem racially motivated violence by the police against the black and brown communities. Stay peaceful. Stay in the streets. Make people take notice. Make a difference. Unify because together we are one and must take care of each other.
Love Nattspil
#blacklivesmatter #whosstreets #unify #theonlythingwehavetolooseisourchains #nojusticenopeace
We go all the way to 11!

That’s right. We’re serving from 5pm-11pm for you. Three Cup Chicken and Three Cup Tofu are back on the menu along with our wood fired pizzas and snacks. We’ve added two more items for you to see on our menu on Day 2, Our Tomato & Cucumber Salad, and our Pickled Vegetable Salad. Both of these go very nicely as a a starter/side to our pizzas, too! Order online now!
A great big thank you to all of you who ordered out last night for our first day back. Everything went very smoothly, and it was so good to see all your faces again!

Taking your online orders now! If you have any trouble feel free to call Nattspil at 608-285-9659
Nattspil Opens for Takeout!

Starting today, Friday, May 29th we are open for online ordering and takeout! Our online ordering for takeout will go live at 5pm today!
Some important details
New Hours For Take Out/Curbside Only
5pm-11pm Seven Days a Week. (Starting at 5pm, Friday, May 29th).
New Ways to Pay
We have finally joined the 21st century. All major debit/credit cards (MC, VISA, DISCOVER, AMEX) are now accepted.
Can I still pay in cash? Yes, you can pay when you arrive rather than paying online. If you do have the option, for now we do ask that you use your debit/credit card online for health and safety.
How to Order
At the top left of our website starting at 5pm today just click on our Order Online menu tab. Please note that it will be inactive until just a few minutes before 5pm.
Once you’ve ordered, come on down to the restaurant in about 20 minutes and we’ll have your food ready. Just come on in the front door and we’ll get your food for you. Please exercise social distancing markers and wear a mask to keep everyone safe. We’ll bring your food to right away once it is ready.
What’s Available for Pickup?
To start, we will have a bunch of Nattspil favorites. Three Cup Chicken, Three Cup Tofu, Shu Mai, Flatbread plate, Pizzas, and Crispy Chees Wontons to start today and each day we plan on adding new items back onto our menu so check back often. To see what we are offering today, check out the Dinner Menu tab at the top of our website.
When Will You Be Open to Eat at Nattspil?
Really soon! We want everyone to be safe and we are daily working out ways to ensure Nattspil can be safe. So many things are different. We are learning how to use our brand, new state of the art computers, taking credit cards, online orders, all on top of health and safety measures. By rolling our reopening out in stages over the next few days, we feel we can reopen much more safely and smoothly. We’ll be updating our website and social media daily. For now, we’re forcasting that we’ll be open for in house dining within the next week.
Finally, Thank You Much For Your Patience and Support
It’s been a long wait for everyone, and we’re so excited to be back to work. Rest assured, we are working really hard at rewarding your faith and trust in us. We’d love to hear from you how we’re doing. Let us know what you like, what you want, and how we can do it better. See you soon!
Snack Plates Three Cup Tofu Spicy Cheese Wontons Pepperoni & Mushroom Pizza
Thank you to our Generous GoFundMe Donors
It was a rough 10+ weeks of being closed for our staff and their families. Thanks to you, our GoFundMe donors, it was made so very much easier. All 25 of our hardworking staff were able to first get a check for $260 and then another for $60. Altogether more than $7500 was given by you and others who were able to help us out. Thank you so very much.
We Now Take Credit Cards
Yes, that’s right. In order to be able to take online orders for take out we’ve taken the big step of adding credit cards to Nattspil after 16 years. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to use cash or local checks in person, you now can use Discover, Visa, Mastercard, or American Express, too.
Online Ordering
Starting this Friday, May 29th, 2020, you can now order Nattspil’s 3-Cup Chicken, 3-Cup Tofu and Pizzas, plus much more online for pickup!