Starting today, Friday, May 29th we are open for online ordering and takeout! Our online ordering for takeout will go live at 5pm today!
Some important details
New Hours For Take Out/Curbside Only
5pm-11pm Seven Days a Week. (Starting at 5pm, Friday, May 29th).
New Ways to Pay
We have finally joined the 21st century. All major debit/credit cards (MC, VISA, DISCOVER, AMEX) are now accepted.
Can I still pay in cash? Yes, you can pay when you arrive rather than paying online. If you do have the option, for now we do ask that you use your debit/credit card online for health and safety.
How to Order
At the top left of our website starting at 5pm today just click on our Order Online menu tab. Please note that it will be inactive until just a few minutes before 5pm.
Once you’ve ordered, come on down to the restaurant in about 20 minutes and we’ll have your food ready. Just come on in the front door and we’ll get your food for you. Please exercise social distancing markers and wear a mask to keep everyone safe. We’ll bring your food to right away once it is ready.
What’s Available for Pickup?
To start, we will have a bunch of Nattspil favorites. Three Cup Chicken, Three Cup Tofu, Shu Mai, Flatbread plate, Pizzas, and Crispy Chees Wontons to start today and each day we plan on adding new items back onto our menu so check back often. To see what we are offering today, check out the Dinner Menu tab at the top of our website.
When Will You Be Open to Eat at Nattspil?
Really soon! We want everyone to be safe and we are daily working out ways to ensure Nattspil can be safe. So many things are different. We are learning how to use our brand, new state of the art computers, taking credit cards, online orders, all on top of health and safety measures. By rolling our reopening out in stages over the next few days, we feel we can reopen much more safely and smoothly. We’ll be updating our website and social media daily. For now, we’re forcasting that we’ll be open for in house dining within the next week.
Finally, Thank You Much For Your Patience and Support
It’s been a long wait for everyone, and we’re so excited to be back to work. Rest assured, we are working really hard at rewarding your faith and trust in us. We’d love to hear from you how we’re doing. Let us know what you like, what you want, and how we can do it better. See you soon!
Snack Plates Three Cup Tofu Spicy Cheese Wontons Pepperoni & Mushroom Pizza